When you’re in trouble, always go for a run

When you are in trouble, why not go for a run!

Perhaps, running cannot directly solve the difficulties you are facing, but running can awaken your body, redeem your soul, and break through your thinking…

Perhaps, running can bring you a turning point and let you see the dawn!

Running: awakening of the body

Running, seemingly a simple exercise, long-term running, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, rapid blood flow…

Running allows your body to run quickly, various functions are stimulated, and your hidden potential is awakened.

Strengthen your body: When running, your cardiopulmonary function will be strengthened, and various organs of the body will be effectively exercised. Long-term running can effectively prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other diseases of affluence.

Improve immunity: During the running process, the body’s immune cells are further stimulated, the body’s immunity will be greatly improved, the body will no longer be sluggish, and no longer be plagued by minor illnesses.

Exercise willpower: Running is a long-term process that requires you to constantly overcome fatigue and challenge your limits. In this process, your willpower will be greatly exercised.

Bring happiness: During running, your body will release a lot of dopamine and endorphins, which can make you feel happy and satisfied, thus helping you get rid of the mental difficulties and see the dawn of hope.

Running: Salvation of the Soul

Running can not only awaken your body, but also save your soul.

Clear the spiritual space: During running, your thoughts will drift away with the rhythm of your footsteps, so that you have a blank spiritual space, which will help you re-examine yourself and find the real problem.

Feel the beauty of life: During running, you will have the opportunity to appreciate the scenery around you and feel the beauty of nature. This beautiful feeling will make you love life again and inspire you to face difficulties.

Find inner peace: During running, all your uneasiness, anger, and anxiety will evaporate with sweat, you will feel unprecedented ease, and your heart will gradually become calm, so that you can better face the challenges and difficulties in life.

Make you more self-disciplined: Running requires you to stick to it regularly, which is a manifestation of self-discipline. Through running, you can learn how to restrain yourself, so that you have more confidence and courage when facing difficulties.

Running: A breakthrough in thinking

When you are in trouble, running may make your thinking clearer, bring a turning point to your troubles, and let you see the light.

Help you get out of trouble: During the running process, your attention will be diverted from the troubles, giving you the opportunity to look at the problem from another angle and find a solution.

Have a firm belief: During the running process, you will constantly challenge your limits, so that you have a firm belief and believe that you can overcome the difficulties.

Build a positive mindset: During the running process, you will constantly feel the awakening of your body and mind, so that you have a positive mindset to face the challenges in life.


Running: The fulcrum of life
People on the verge of despair are often full of pressure in their hearts, and what they lack most is confidence and hope.

And when we start running, we will gradually find that just ourselves contain infinite energy and power.

Under the stimulation of these energies, we can often rekindle our confidence in life, and we can also face the difficulties of life little by little, fight with life, and finally find the direction to move forward.

When you run, there will be wind; when you run, you will always find the direction.

When you are in trouble, you might as well go for a run, which may bring you a turning point and a ray of hope. Even if it does not, at least it can strengthen your courage and confidence to face difficulties.

Author: levis niu

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